deutsche Versionfrom 3.-6.June 2010

The Last Match
The smallest big exhibition in the world
3 to 6 June 2010
Opening hours: Thu noon–7 p.m., Fri/Sat 10 a.m.–7 p.m., Sun 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
Kongresszentrum Heinrich-Lades-Halle

The Latvian comics magazine “kuš!“ invited international artists to contribute a drawing with the topic “The Last Match”. The pictures all have the minimal size of 0,00166 m² and are collected in matchboxes. The collection keeps on growing and travels the world. In March 2010 it was made up of 190 works of art by artist from 40 countries and was shown in Riga, Lissabon and Linz. The idea was created during the hardship of the financial crisis and the result is probably the smallest big exhibition of the world. The topic itself may also be interpreted in terms of the crisis – if you want to think positive, you can see that you can achieve great things with a small budget.




A Century of Comics
The newspaper strip years
Drawn from Life
German newspaper strips today
Six Artists - One Author
Graphic Novels by Peer Meter, drawn by Barbara Yelin, Isabel Kreitz, David von Bassewitz, Gerda Raidt, Nicola Maier-Reimer and Julia Briemle
Cosmos and Comic
The universal Mythologist Jens Harder
The minimalist variations of Nicolas Mahler
Everything is going to be ok again!
Comic as Concept - Oliver Grajewski is Tigerboy
Aspects of the Everyday
The artist and scenarist Pascal Rabaté
60 years of comic Adventures
Happy Birtday, Charlie Brown!
60 years of Peanuts
Draw, stranger!
The continuing faszination of the western
In Nature’s great breath
Derib’s and Job’s magical western series “Yakari“
Eroticism and Adventures
New work by Milo Manara
And the word became image
About comics and religion
Grenzgebiete - drüben!
Childhood memories between East and West Germany
Otherness in text and image
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg und the Offenbach Academy of Art and Design
The ducks are back!
Manga as
Graduate Students of Kyoto Seika University introduce themselves
Jakob - a comic fairy tale
A graduate project at the Film Academy Baden-Würtemberg
Soul strips
Autobiographical Comic Blogs from Germany
cinearte - cinecomic
Stories in Images
Artistic comics and cartoons
The Comic Saloon at the Kunstmuseum Erlangen
The last living person ... Tomorrow!
24th and 25th Comic Artists Seminar 2009 and 2010
The Last Match
The smallest big exhibition in the world
The wooden house
The dream of having your own horse
Tonto – Granulat 6/10
Shop window presentation
World Wide Fund for Nature WWF
No deforestation for children's books!
Comic Café – Comicaze
The best work by Munich's comic artists - Live and in colour!
toonsUp presents:
Let's Play!
Nothing for Cyclopes
3D cartoons by Anjo Haase