Comic Podium
Thursday, 3 to 6 June 2010 various venues
For four days, current topics of the comics market and focal points of the Salon are enlarged on in lectures and panel discussions: Chances and risks for comics on the internet, new sales practices for comics through digitalisation, the success of graphic novels, the search for material and stories as well as the collaboration between artist and scenarist that still isn’t a given in Germany, the rediscovery of newspaper strips, the education of comic artists in Germany and Japan – to name just a few of the topics. The Comic Podium is directed at a wide audience that is interested in comics, and is supple-mented by interviews with some of the most important artists and a lecture series by German Comic Research (Deutsche Comic Forschung) that deals with the topic “Comics and Politics”.
Mecki and Friends. The magazine comics of the post-war years
Lecture and visual presentation by Eckart Sackmann Donnerstag, 3. Juni, 14:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
eBook, iPhone, Playstation & Co
Panel with David Boller (Zampano Comics), Horst Gotta (Splitter Verlag, requested), Steve Jones (New Ground Publishing/comicstars.de), Steffen Volkmer (MyComics.de) and others; Host: Harald Havas Donnerstag, 3. Juni, 15:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
Japanese Mascots – Cute and Useful Introducing the Department of Japanese studies
Lecture by Katharina Biskup
Donnerstag, 3. Juni, 15:00–15:30 Uhr
Rathaus, Trauungszimmer, 1. Stock
Lolita Fashion – A phenomenon in Japanese fashion and subculture Introducing the Department of Japanese studies
Lecture by Tatjana Kotschubev Donnerstag, 3. Juni, 15:30–16:00 Uhr Rathaus, Trauungszimmer, 1. Stock
Mizuki Shigeru and his ghost world – Gegege no Kitaro Introducing the Department of Japanese studies
Lecture by Tatjana Pankovets Donnerstag, 3. Juni, 16:00–16:30 Uhr Rathaus, Trauungszimmer, 1. Stock
Mahjong Manga – a niche genre not only for gamblers Introducing the Department of Japanese studies
Lecture by Daniel Gromöller Donnerstag, 3. Juni, 16:30–17:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Trauungszimmer, 1. Stock
Artist Talk I: Derib (ch) and Job (ch/fr)
Host: Herbert Heinzelmann Donnerstag, 3. Juni, 16:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
25 years of comicplus+. The founder years of the early 1980s
Panel with the witnesses to history Steffen Boiselle, Paul Derouet, Gerhard Förster, Uli Pröfrock; Host: Eckart Sackmann Donnerstag, 3. Juni, 17:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
e-comics – This is how it’s done
e-comics – This is how it’s done
with Sarah Burrini („Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof“), David Boller (Zampano Comics), Arne Schulenberg (Photo-Comic – Union der Helden), Max Jähling (Comicwerk), David Malambré (Demolitionsquad) and Nina Ruzicka (Cartoontomb); Host: Bernd Glasstetter
Freitag, 4. Juni, 11:00–12:30 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
Artist Talk II: David B. (fr/it)
Host: Christian Gasser Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
Freitag, 4. Juni, 14:00 Uhr
Comics 2.0 – About German comics blogs
Panel with Flix, Johannes Kretzschmar, Ivo Kircheis, Asja Wiegand, Katja Klengel, Leo Leowald; Host: Klaus Schikowski Freitag, 4. Juni, 14:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
The Society for Comics Research (ComFor) presents: Comics and Politics I – Totalitarian Comics
Brown Comics?! Images from the right wing of society
Lecture by Ralf Palandt
Clenched fist and red heart. Political comics in the GDR
Lecture by Guido Weißhahn
Freitag, 4. Juni, 14:00–16:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Trauungszimmer, 1. Stock
The question of the artistic judgment of comics
English-language lecture by Thierry Groensteen Freitag, 4. Juni, 15:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
Artist Talk III: Marc-Antoine Mathieu (fr), David Prudhomme (fr) and Bastien Vivè (fr)
Host: Christian Gasser Freitag, 4. Juni, 16:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
Second Erlangen Pen Seminar
with Martin tom Dieck, Markus Huber and Isabel Kreitz Freitag, 4. Juni, 16:00–17:30 Uhr
Rathaus, Workshop-Raum (11. OG)
Writing for Comics
Panel with Christian Gasser, Michael Groenewald, Peer Meter, Barbara Yelin, Rochus Hahn; Host: Brigitte Helbling Freitag, 4. Juni, 17:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
The Society for Comics Research (ComFor) presents: Comics and Politics II – Remembering and Educating
Beyond “Maus”. Holocaust and Nazi crimes in comics: From Bernie Krigstein’s “Master Race” to Mikael Holmberg’s “26.november”
Lecture by Martin Frenzel
Historic comics as part of innovative Holocaust education
Lecture by René Mounajed
Samstag, 5. Juni, 11:00–13:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Trauungszimmer, 1. Stock
Comics training in Japan – Drawing manga on a university level: Studying at Kyoto Seika University
Panel with Christina Plaka, Bonwon Koo, Hyunja Lee and Kei Ichikawa; Host: Prof. Dr. Jaqueline Berndt Samstag, 5. Juni, 12:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
Artist Talk IV: Milo Manara (it)
Host: Harald Havas Samstag, 5. Juni, 13:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
Back to the roots – Comics in newspapers
Panel with Andreas Platthaus (F.A.Z.), Ralf König („Archetyp“), Lars von Törne (Der Tagesspiegel), Flix („Faust“); Host: Martin Jurgeit Samstag, 5. Juni, 14:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
Do Tintin and Mecki belong on the index? Classic comics and political correctness
Panel with the comics and children’s book researcher Dr. Bernd Dolle-Weinkauff, the sinologist Prof. Michael Lackner (“The image of China and the Chinese in European comics”) and others; Host: Christian Gasser Samstag, 5. Juni, 15:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
Artist Talk V: Maryse and Jean-François Charles (be)
Host: Harald Havas Samstag, 5. Juni, 16:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
Comics as cultural heritage? Dealing with graphic literature in Germany
Panel with Cuno Affolter, Alexander Braun, Bernd Dolle-Weinkauff; Host: Christian Gasser Samstag, 5. Juni, 17:00 Uhr Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
Ninja! Behind the Shadows
Lecture and signing with Baron Malte and Miyuki Tsuji Samstag, 5. Juni, 17:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Trauungszimmer, 1. Stock
Major Players’ Table What’s up in the German comics market?
with Ralf Keiser (Carlsen Verlag GmbH), Alexandra Germann (Egmont Verlagsgesellschaften mBH), Max Müller (Panini Verlags GmbH), Dirk Rehm (Reprodukt) and Dirk Schulz (Splitter Verlag); Hosts: Lutz Göllner and Martin Jurgeit Samstag, 5. Juni, 19:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
The Society for Comics Research (ComFor) presents: Comics and Politics III – War of ideas in the media
Asterix and the Free Democratic Party (FDP). Propaganda via comics
Lecture by Heiner Jahncke
Comics for and against the right wing in Austria
Lecture by Harald Havas
Sonntag, 6. Juni, 11:00–13:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Trauungszimmer, 1. Stock
Manga in Museums: Comics museums in Japan
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Jaqueline Berndt (Deputy Director, Kyoto International Manga Museum, Research Center) Sonntag, 6. Juni, 12:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
Artist Talk VI: Howard Chaykin (us)
in English; Host: Klaus Schikowski Sonntag, 6. Juni, 13:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
Holy writings: Comics and religions
Panel with Hans Jürgen Luibl, Ralf König, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hausmanninger; Host: Herbert Heinzelmann Sonntag, 6. Juni, 14:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
60 years of Peanuts
Introduction by Andreas C. Knigge, Panel with Andreas C. Knigge, Michael Groenewald and Matthias Wieland Sonntag, 6. Juni, 15:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock
After the Salon is before the Salon How it was, how it could be better, what it could be like next time…
Panel with Alexandra Germann, Jutta Harms, Martin Jurgeit, Kai Steffen Schwarz, Steffen Volkmer and Bodo Birk; Host: Lutz Göllner Sonntag, 6. Juni, 16:00 Uhr
Rathaus, Großer Ratssaal, 1. Stock